Texas Legislature – Why Statist Idiots Should NOT Be Elected to Public Office (1)

MEME - Texas Legislature - Sen. Juduth Zaffirini 1920x1080

This letter is a response from one of our many Statist and inept Texas State senators. And like most, she is clueless about individual rights and who can and cannot do what, with what, and when, or to whom. So, I decided to show her what I think would have been a proper redress of her response letter:

Dear Madam,

First, how are the other girls in the local cat-house doing? I ask only out of concern that you might have to return there for your future employment, because your response to me is not only ineptly inaccurate and misinformed, it goes to proving that you certainly aren’t cut out to act as MY representative in MY republican form of government. In fact, it shows precisely why people like you should not be allowed to serve in government at all.

Your response letter paints you as someone that clearly does not understand the concept of individual rights and liberty, while also demonstrating that you don’t even remotely comprehend the standards of a Republican form of government. But it also makes it clear that you are at the very least either a STATIST liberal or the pawn of those who are. Your response is ample evidence that you believe most strongly in the church and religion of the STATE as somehow being the supreme authority and master of the People. And you maintain this mindset even though we created both the government and your position within it. And in that regard, your very existence is completely dependent on our consent, which you have only so long as we choose to remain mostly ignorant and apathetic of just how little all people like you are actually needed or wanted anymore. Which tells me that you are even less than clueless as to your actual place in the political food chain, which is properly at the bottom with the rest of the discarded whale shit.

In your letter, you asserted that “Freedom to travel is a right granted by the United States Constitution.” This statement is unquestionably and demonstrably incorrect and misinformed. If you think not, then please answer me this; just HOW did the founding fathers get around BEFORE the constitutional convention that created the federal constitution? How did they travel from their homes to Philadelphia Pennsylvania BEFORE the constitution existed and allegedly GRANTED a “right to travel?” Did they do it all by FAX and teleconference until they could create the constitution so they could actually travel there and meet in person? Did they use mail that was brought in on horseback? Oh, wait, they couldn’t have done that, that would be traveling, and the constitution didn’t exist yet to grant them that right.

Maybe you would respond to me by saying that they had the Articles of Confederation as their authority granting the right to travel from place to place? Do you think that answer is actually any better in terms of its stupidity considering that the people were traveling about the globe long before either of those documents even existed? And you should know and understand that even today We the People have the same right to locomotion and travel from place to place regardless of the existence of either of these or any other document.  Does this concept of yours regarding “liberty through paperwork” suddenly sound as idiotic to you as your declaratory misstatement of facts did to me? Good. Then you can now see my point as to why I view you as unfit to represent me or any other living being in any capacity that requires decision making authority. Personally, I wouldn’t give you the authority required to scrape used chewing gum off the bottom of tables.

As John F. Kennedy is quoted as saying:

JFK - Opinion Without Thought

And you clearly have very little concern or consideration of thought about vomiting what is certainly nothing more than your unresearched and wholly unsubstantiated and cliched opinions in the face of those for whom you took an oath and are required to serve as well as to keep them fully and accurately informed of the facts and the laws. And you spew your illiteracy openly upon all with a straight face and no readily apparent emotional qualms as to the detrimental affect of your disinformation, which makes you nothing less than a psychopath yearning for an upgrade to sociopath. And just in case those words are also too big for you to comprehend, let me assist you there as well:

psychopath [sahy-kuh-path] noun
1. a person with a psychopathic personality, which manifests as amoral and antisocial behavior, lack of ability to love or establish meaningful personal relationships, extreme egocentricity, failure to learn from experience, etc.
sociopath [soh-see-uh-path, soh-shee-] noun
1. a person with a psychopathic personality whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience.


But, let’s get back to the discussion of your overall incompetence.

I know that individual rights and liberty may seem like a new concept to you, but I am appalled by your complete lack of understanding of the fact that the state and federal constitutions DO NOT grant a single right to the People. ALL of the People’s INNUMERABLE (I know, it’s also a big word for you, but it simply means “you can’t count them”) rights are inherent and unalienable. And we may lose them ONLY as punishment for an actual crime committed against other living beings or their property. We the People neither transferred nor surrendered ANY of OUR individual rights to you or any other member of the Texas Legislature in your capacity as one of our governmental actors and public SERVANTS, and this includes, but is not limited to, our right of liberty through locomotion of our own whim and choosing. We gave each of you a very limited delegation of authority to act on OUR behalf in the protection of these inherent fundamental individual rights, not your flawed personal designs, desires, and vision of individual liberty or the equally reprehensible perspective of the corporate state. Especially when it directly conflicts with your first and most high mandate of protecting each and every one of the People’s individual rights and property.

I am also appalled that you totally fail to understand that, in terms of serving in a governmental capacity, it is YOU that have no “rights.” It is YOU that has ONLY delegated privileges in the exercise of your delegated powers, powers that may not be exercised against and to the detriment of the very source of those powers, We the People. And most assuredly not against our private individual lives and property in any adverse way or manner. At least, not outside of having been convicted for committing an actual crime that harmed other people or their property. Furthermore, those delegated powers do NOT provide you with any authority to apply them in any other areas of our collective lives that we did not specifically grant to you. As any delegation of power and authority to handle our PUBLIC business is NOT a simultaneous delegation to meddle and interfere in our private lives and business. Meaning that it is all of you that are the ones acting under PRIVILEGE, because you cannot act without first being so authorized by We the People in exercising ANY of those powers and authority at all. All of the rights we have and exercise as individuals is NOT subject to a majority vote by anyone, as that would make us a democracy and those rights a mere privilege. And you know full well that we are NOT a democracy, we are a Republic. And We the People do not exercise any sort of privilege in our pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. We do it as a matter of RIGHT! And you and your kind have clearly forgotten that irrefutable fact.

The People’s individual rights existed long before ANY political or corporate state or constitution EVER did. They existed long before the Articles of Confederation or even the Magna Carta. These all just happen to be documents that the People of the day created and forced upon you, our public servants in government, at the point of a sword or the barrel of a musket to ensure that you all remembered to recognize that fact. Obviously you, and many others like you, don’t remember like you should, or even understand the eventual consequences of trying to once again make yourselves kings and queens with some imaginary divine and absolute power to rule over and dictate to the rest of us. These limitations upon government’s ability to act were written down so that the group of so-called “elites” who once held power in the former form of kings and queens, of which you apparently consider yourself a member, would know and remember it too. It was written down so that all forms of government, meaning YOU, could never come back later and say “I didn’t know that was wrong of me to do.”

You also have it wrong when you stated “The ability to travel on public roads in Texas, however, is a privilege granted by the State … .” Really? Just WHO the hell do you think actually owns the roads in Texas? Is it the People, who’s money is taken in numerous unconstitutional and illegal taxes to pay for those roads, or is it the corporate “STATE” that thinks it can both forcefully steal our money to pay for them and then continue to charge us for their use forever-after by licensing it back to us for numerous yearly fees and permissions?  Just because you people have knowingly and willfully defrauded the public for more than 70+ years by intentionally misapplying the statutes regulating “transportation,”  which is ENTIRELY a commercial occupation, does NOT mean that it is now a valid measure by which the state may deprive the People of their right to liberty through locomotion! Your blatant statist ignorance is more than apparent in its joining with the mindset held by most of our legislators in that proclaiming “we’ve always done it this way” somehow translates into “its perfectly lawful that we do it this way.”  And that simply isn’t so.

MEME - Grace Hopper - We've Always Done It This Way 1920x1080

The “Transportation” code you speak of was created by SB 971 in 1995, and was codified in several different enactments within Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes prior to that. But even those prior enactments have ALWAYS applied to and regulated only one thing, “TRANSPORTATION.” “Transportation” is an OCCUPATION, i.e. a BUSINESS USE of the highways for private profit or gain or the performance of public duties, and that code regulates only those things that relate to the specific legislatively mandated PRIVILEGED subject matter of “TRANSPORTATION,” not the private travel and use of the highways by the people themselves as a MATTER OF RIGHT!!  Check the caption title of SB 971 as it was written by the 74th Legislature in 1995 for yourself and see that this is true.  Provided that you can actually read the Bill rather than simply spouting off your own uninformed and inept perceptions of reality rather than the actual law that proves you to be either willfully ignorant or a knowing deceiver when it comes to providing informed and accurate answers to the people you claim to represent.

So sorry lady, a term I use loosely in this case, but the United States Supreme Court called and said that they have given their opinion on the matter of the “right to travel/ locomotion” many times already, just as the Texas courts have. And you should already know that the gist of their collective opinions is rather simple, the People have an ABSOLUTE RIGHT to use the roads for their own private business and pleasure WITHOUT permission or consent via licensing, registration or any other federal or STATE regulatory scheme outside of regulating traffic flow, because it is the people that own them and have every right of private use upon them for their own private business or pleasure. For one to engage in “transportation” is, however, an extraordinary use, and THAT is why it is a PRIVILEGE that requires these forms of regulation through licensing and registration of person’s and equipment. But the People’s RIGHTFUL use cannot be constitutionally converted into such a privilege and then licensed back to them for a fee.

Therefore, your assertion that “Travelers on public roads, for example, are subject to stop and arrest for violations of rules of the road listed in the Texas Transportation Code” is ALSO incorrect. Considering the legislature made it VERY clear that the regulated activity encompassed by the recodification, and the acts codified in Vernon’s prior thereto, related solely to the subject matter of “transportation,” then, it is inarguable that ONLY those person’s actively engaged in “transportation,” i.e. COMMERCIAL USE OF THE ROADS FOR PERSONAL/CORPORATE PROFIT OR GAIN THROUGH THE TRANSPORTATION OF PERSONS, GOODS, OR PROPERTY, FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE BY A CARRIER, are subject to the “rules of the road listed in the Texas Transportation Code.” Not only because those are the ONLY actual actions that are involved in acts of “transportation” upon the highways, but also because the People themselves are not so engaged, and therefore, their actions are NOT in any way related to the subject matter of SB 971, which is what created the code itself! And if the People’s actions are NOT related to the subject matter of SB 971, which IS limited specifically to “transportation” as a commercial occupation, then NOTHING in that code, INCLUDING “rules of the road” contained in Subtitle C, can be lawfully or legally applied to the People, their private conveyances, or their actions. Perhaps if you actually UNDERSTOOD the LEGAL meaning of the terms and phrases you so casually throw around as a legislator you might be able to comprehend the actual and legal difference!

And there IS a very big difference in the proper legal application and the current misapplication of the “transportation” code. A difference that is created by the legal semantics of the terms and phrases used therein to describe the activity of “driving” and “operating” rather than “traveling” and “private use.” In most people’s common everyday usage, the meaning of the terms “driving” and “operating” are taken to be synonymous with “traveling/ private use.” However, in terms of the regulatory legal meaning and use when relating to legal definitions limited specifically to the subject matter of “transportation” within the code, “driving” and “operating” both mean “DRIVING OR OPERATING IN AN OCCUPATION OR BUSINESS FOR WHICH ONE IS BEING PAID.” Which means that you provided your answer without first verifying whether a single assertion of alleged fact within it was actually constitutionally and legally correct. You simply assumed, and then stated how you understood and want it all to work. And all without actually knowing or caring to know by verifying the information you were asked to address. But this time your false assumption was limiting to making an ass out of you rather than me. Which goes a long way to proving that you are also a fucking statist libtard idiot that understands nothing about statutory meaning and construction and the UNLIMITED rights of the People in contrast to the VERY LIMITED powers of government. At least, that is the impression I have formulated based upon your inept response for the purposes of THIS discussion on the “right to travel/ locomotion” and the functioning of a proper Republican form of government in general.

Do you actually think that the political body of the state is something other than the People themselves? We the People have EVERY RIGHT to use the roads for our own personal business and pleasure using our own cars and other conveyances. Those conveyances are our private property,  to which we have every right of acquisition, disposal and use, just as we do with any other thing or property that we might lawfully and rightfully purchase and make use of, and just as the very roads themselves are OURS! The roads belong to US, NOT to YOU or the corporate state!! Our individual right of private use is not subject to a vote, the whims of social policy, or any STATE mandated licensing and regulation.

Perhaps you honestly don’t know this, which I doubt, but even the Texas Administrative Code makes it abundantly clear that the sole agency to whom all “transportation” enforcement authority is assigned and delegated by statute, the Department of Public Safety of the State of Texas (“DPS”), is limited in that authority to regulatory programs relating to “commercial and ‘for hire’ traffic.” Those regulatory programs have NEVER applied to the privately traveling general public in any way. And it is not and never has been a “state granted privilege” for We the People to exercise any of these rights. And at the risk of sounding repetitive, the roads are bought and paid for BY US for OUR use, just like our cars and other conveyances. Neither the STATE nor you own them or have ANY lawful authority to REGULATE them in any way involving licensing, registration, inspection, mandatory insurance of any kind, or anything at all having to do with the sale or purchase for private use. WE ARE THE ONES THAT OWN THE ROADS AND OUR PRIVATE CONVEYANCES!! Get it?!?!  You are nothing more than the appointed caretaker of OUR roads and the duty-bound protector of our right to free access and use of our private property upon them unencumbered by governmental interference and intrusion. And part of your duty is to ensure that those roads are maintained in good working order for OUR private personal use, NOT yours, and certainly not that of any BUSINESS alone.

Texas Administrative Code

Next Rule>>
RULE §1.2 Mission

The mission of the Texas Department of Public Safety is:

(1) to supervise traffic on rural highways;
(2) to supervise and regulate commercial and “for hire” traffic;
(3) to preserve the peace, to investigate crimes, and to arrest criminals;
(4) to administer regulatory programs in driver licensing, motor vehicle inspection, and safety responsibility; and
(5) to execute programs supplementing and supporting the preceding activities.

Source Note: The provisions of this §1.2 adopted to be effective January 1, 1976

Add to that the proof that the regulatory programs run by the DPS relates ONLY to the above stated mission of “regulating commercial and ‘for hire’ traffic” as found within Rules §1.3(b) and §1.4 of the Administrative Code, and you have evidence of a massive fraud being perpetrated by the state and its administrative agencies upon the general public for the purpose of fraudulent and unconstitutional mass taxation outside of constitutional authority and prohibitions.  In other simpler words, conspiracy and collusion to defraud and extort monies from the People.

The corporate “STATE” is both created and paid for by We the People, and is empowered to contract for the purposes of the planning, building and care-taking of OUR roads. The roads belong to the PEOPLE, and using them is NOT a privilege granted to us by ANYONE, least of all our SERVANTS or a legal fiction in the form of a political body called the “STATE!” It is a RIGHT that we have always had and still hold regardless, because WE have paid for those roads with OUR money. We paid for a SERVICE that we rightfully expect to be provided by our public servants, NOT a transfer of rightful ownership or totalitarian control over something that belongs to all of the People as a public resource. The roads are for OUR shared individual use in conducting OUR personal business and pleasure as a matter of RIGHT!! ONLY those that are using the public roads for PRIVATE PROFIT AND GAIN or in a governmental capacity are acting under a privilege. The privilege of using a publicly owned resource for personal/ corporate profit or gain or public service. The rest of us ARE NOT you moron!!

Disrespectfully signed,


5 thoughts on “Texas Legislature – Why Statist Idiots Should NOT Be Elected to Public Office (1)

  1. factually; what is the meanings of the terms “YOU’RE” – “FUCKING” – “FIRED”?

    I hope you didn’t actually use the demeaning foul language, that’s a cruel method for teaching.


  2. This is just ANOTHER example, Eddie, of one of your rants and attacks that will close the door to any positive discourse with our public servants.
    While you make many excellent points, they are couched in your seething opinions that you generate without care or concern regarding any effect it may have on the rest of us. You will probably be labelled, incorrectly of course, as “one of those crazy sovereign citizens”, and less likely be looked upon with favor by those that need your talents and information.
    Just a suggestion – why not have someone that you consider a statesman (not a statist) or spokesman FOR the people, to edit your dialog so that everyone will benefit from it?


    • I appreciate the comment, and I would like to address it in an on-point fashion.

      Would you call someone that breaks into your home and steals you property something politically correct like “personal property removal and transfer specialist,” or a “good-for-nothing damned thief?”

      You appear to be concerned about how to have a peaceful “discourse” with the same thief that just robbed you blind and vandalized your home in some sort of futile effort to try and explain, and get them to understand and accept, why it was wrong for them to do so in the first place, even when they have no real motive of an actual dire survival need in doing so, i.e. they just COULD, so they DID.

      I. on the other hand, think that kicking the crap out of those that do shit like that just because they can, possibly by breaking their fingers, hands, and arms, would convey a much clearer and effective message on why it was not only wrong, but that there are VERY REAL consequences for getting caught, which will, of course, increase in severity if you are ever caught again.

      You are also assuming that these public servants would even WANT or CARE to have such a discourse or would actually ACT upon the information when you bring it before them for such purposes. Well, guess what, you’d be just as dead wrong there as well. I’ve gone before legislators, congressman, senators, and committees. I’ve testified before committees, and individuals, and groups of legislators, in their official offices and in town hall meetings. I’ve lobbied for the protection of our rights ever since I came to Austin.

      I’ve been involved in a multitude of private and public meetings and discussions, and during these audiences with our public servants, I’ve brought to light the numerous crimes that are being perpetrated every single day in Texas and elsewhere, and even provided documented facts and evidence to support that claim. I’ve done the “peaceful proof and explanation” thing till I’m blue in the face.

      You wan the truth? Well, here it is; these people simply DON’T CARE, because they AREN’T there to serve YOU or ME, but ONLY themselves or someone that bought and paid for them. The ONLY way you will EVER get them to listen AND act is if you can line their re-election campaign pockets as a wealthy individual or lobbyist. Period. If you don’t believe that, then I would suggest that you actually try it before telling me how it all actually works.

      This is MY blog, and I can address the actions, inactions, stupidity, communistic, socialistic, crimes, and/or wisdom of these expensively dressed thieves and criminals and their public/private antics in any manner I please. If you think you are able to engage in reasonable discourse and get constitutionally proper action, then you go right ahead and don’t mind or mention me and my articles if you think it will help. But I’m done talking to THEM. Now I’m talking to and TRYING to wake up the actual people so that they will finally begin to see WHY we don’t actually need the majority of these people in any public office, or maybe even that particular public office at all.


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